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talking heads
my el-jay
gorgeous mandy
music food by the chef

eat your heart out

funky words
funkier stuff
this is Anfield

to avoid queasiness,
refrain from having a stick or
any other device up your arse

in retrospect
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • June 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • February 2007

  • Layout
    Wednesday, August 30, 2006

    I never thought I would falter. I'll do this one thing for myself and feel damn good afterwards, insya' Allah.

    I don't need students like that bringing me down all the time.

    If all goes as planned, I'll take a step back and bid it adieu.

    I'm not even 20 and already I'm so miserable. My pre-20 hasn't been looking bright at all. But that's probably because it was so gloomy in the afternoon and chilly now, and I like it like that. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still miserable. Trust me, not a single episode of FRIENDS can bring about a pivotal turn to my mood after what happened earlier today.

    But I'm still going to continue watching it anyway. So I'm off.

    Kwinella @ 9:12 PM!

    Monday, August 28, 2006

    I don't mean to be stand-offish and all, but someone from somewhere out there just dropped me a message saying that she too is a huge fan of you-know-who.

    Firstly, there is no too.

    Secondly, I'm the BIGGEST fan, ever. I don't care if the world doesn't think so.

    No one knows how huge of a fan I am. No one except my sisters, Amanda and my neighbour. I don't want to share the status of being a huge fan with anyone else. I just don't want to, so don't make me. I'm sorry, but it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. Please pick someone else before I bite your fat/puny (pick one) ass off.

    Goodness, I'm a selfish little bitch.

    Kwinella @ 12:46 AM!

    Sunday, August 27, 2006

    A simple dinner with the family at breeks + shoe-shopping with neighbour + early morning soccer + a really heavy lunch at al-azhar = my life's pretty good. I have no idea how to put things into perspective at this juncture in life. So I guess summarising everything is the most effective way, for now. And right now, I just know that I love my parents more than ever.

    Well anyway, I read a friend's blog and she said she couldn't wait for the sun.

    Is it okay if I like rainy days and gloomy days better, or would people think that I'm way too depressed a person?

    Amanda, I've to be somewhere that day and I'll be going away on Sunday night. I will only be back on the 7th. Mind meeting me on Thursday instead? I'm so sorry, you.

    Kwinella @ 8:01 PM!

    Monday, August 21, 2006

    If I get a penny for everytime I think, I'd be rich by now. Well, everyone would be. But that's besides the point. Well actually, I don't know what the point is. I figured that I would have something quite important to be said here but now that I'm already here, I have no idea what I was going to say.

    Ahhh. Okay I think i finally got it.

    You know how they say you can't please everyone? Of course that stands true. But I've also always been a firm believer that you can't please everyone, not all at the same time, which is to say, you can certainly please a few people but in the course of doing so, others will surely not be pleased. Ohhh you get the drift.

    I found it exceptionally hard to please anyone today. Whatever it is that you do, say, eat or wear, you will always be under the scrutiny of society. I've never been the one to give a rat's arse what the society's impression of me is like but today just had me till *here*. It's bad enough that I had people - who have no business whatsoever to take interest in my choice of wardrobe- going, "is it hari raya/ racial harmony day today?", someone had to rub it in and say that I look like makcik-makcik. Why? Just because I decided to put on a baju kurung to work. -_-

    What, don't tell me baju kurung can only be worn on special occasions?

    I think if people are less interested in what I wear to work, the place would be a much more conducive learning environment. I mean if you don't like it, just keep it to yourself lah. I'm not taking it personally (although I think it pretty much seems that way) but you know, at least I bothered putting something on.

    hai. pakai skirt pendek salah, pakai jeans hipster salah, pakai baju kurung pun salah. Kalau tak pakai apa-apa, macam mana agaknya eh? hur hur hur hur.

    Kwinella @ 8:22 PM!

    Saturday, August 19, 2006

    Since I missed the live telecast of the match because of the alumni dinner this evening, I was looking forward to the repeat telecast early tomorrow. But when I got back, I quickly checked soccernet for the results and to my disappointment, the Reds only managed a draw. hai. how caaaaaan. tsk. I hate how the media is oversensationalising the merseysiders and I am somewhat frustrated with all of that. The more they're overhyped, the more I doubt they can challenge chelsea for the premiership title.

    Okay football aside, let me give you the low-down on my super kick-ass day.

    I met the girls and Razali at harbourfront and then we had to wait for Shaf and friend. Tunggu dia sampai, langit sampai mendung laaa. The rain sorta played a little game of peek-a-boo with us and so did the sun. Too bad for As and Am, I don't think they got the tan they wanted. hur hurrr. Better luck next time y'all. So anyway, we had a blast playing monkey and ultimate frisbee, though I must say that Shaq knocked me down pretty good that one time. I stayed down for a bit not because I was in pain but because I couldn't stop laughing. Apaaa je ain.

    The journey home was maddening. I was psychologically frustrated and physically exhausted. The bus queue was friggin' long and I was growing impatient because I had a sinking feeling that I was going to be late for the alumni dinner. But I got home anyway and managed to reach school in time, all thanks to the taxi driver who was kind enough to wait for me while I was rushing like mad to get ready.

    The dinner was pretty okay and the food, well let's just say some of us made a trip down to al-azhar for supper after the dinner in school. hehhh. I'm not complaining though, because I've won myself a lucky draw prize and a pretty awesome one at that. hur hur hurrr. Behold, a silent Panasonic hair styler. cool habis. Okayyy chettt. I've been fooled. It's only the box. Inside the box, is a... vase. nyehh. I feel so cheated. Just when I thought I could have more manageable, volumised hair. pfffttttt. But nevermind. It's not like I need that damned thing.


    Amanda (chua) asked what I've been doing so far, and after she's heard from me, she pointed to arz who was sitting next to me during supper. So any person in their conscious, right mind would probably say, "ohh, I'm schooling at XXXX" or "I'm currently working at XXXX". But noooo, this friend of ours replied with a nonchalant "plain thosai 2", as though that was what Amanda had asked. tsk. My friend lehh. So good-looking and yet so, ummmm... selenge.

    Kwinella @ 11:52 PM!

    Thursday, August 17, 2006

    dah kenapa dengan korang ni? dah buang tebiat, nak mampos agaknya eh? vote untuk si monyet tu, abih mathilda dah tersingkir. korang semua buta ke pekak ke memang tak ada kepala otak? otak letak kat pantat agaknya. korang buta ke, tak boleh nampak yang si monyet tu hanya boleh terkinja-kinja macam monyet sebab dia dah memang sah monyet. dan korang budek sangat ke, sampai tak boleh bezakan yang mana boleh nyanyi, dan yang mana memang patut ditendang keluar dari dulu lagi.

    aku sakit hati tengok orang yang boleh nyanyi tersingkir dari SI. korang dah hancurkan impian aku untuk melihat pertandingan akhir di antara hady, mathilda dan jonathan. semua dah punaaaaaah, tahu tak? ni semua kerana budak-budak hingusan yang sms membabi-buta sebab mereka semua fikir si monyet tu cute. tak cute la seh. memang sah lah yang korang semua buta. macam siak, faham?

    lain kali vote betul-betul la bahalols. jangan menjatuhkan martabat Singapura yang memang dah tak semana pun.

    Kwinella @ 10:26 PM!

    Today was a... I have no idea how to go about describing it. I don't know if I should be happy that the passing rate for the English paper was better than what I had expected, or if I should pull all my hair out in frustration because nobody managed to surpass 23. I don't know if they're really that weak in language, or if I've failed as an educator. As much as I'd rather think the former, I can't run away from the fact that I'm their teacher and it is my responsibility to help them master both spoken and written language. baaaah. I feel lousy.

    As you can see, I'm not exactly at my highest point and thus the lack of self-worth.

    Anyway, I urge my Muslim friends to click here. Actually, non-Muslims can also click lah. But it's mostly in Malay and unless you understand bahasa melayu, your visit will only be in vain. (:

    Okay, I am seriously mentally-exhausted.

    Kwinella @ 9:41 PM!

    Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    I'm on a roll and there's no stopping me. I cannot the resist the keyboard lah. It has been so long.

    We were all having lunch at a fast food outlet somewhere near school and we soon found ourselves laughing our big fat asses off. At one juncture of the conversation or laughing fest, more like, some of us realised that we were poking fun at someone's religion and an ethnic group.

    I, however, beg to differ.

    It didn't seem like we were mocking the religion and the ethnicity in question. That would be referred to as being racist. For certain, I was well-aware that wasn't the case. You see, there is a very fine but distinctive line between mocking a person and mocking a person for what or who she is. Fortunately for most of us, we know where and when to draw the line.

    I strongly believe that fellow Singaporeans have come to a point of maturity where we are completely okay with laughing or being laughed at, though there are exceptions.

    This is not to say that I condone racist jokes especially those which are just downright mean and inappropriate. Now, what exactly connotates inappropriateness? I have no idea. I mean if racism is unacceptable, then how can racist jokes be appropriate, am I not right?

    But I think that we should all for once stop trying so hard to be politically correct. Life's too short to have a cactus plant shoved up our behinds all the time. Indulge in some humour and don't be such a snag (that applies to both guys and girls). We're all born with brains and common sense is a gift, yes? A joke is but a joke. That's it. To be laughed at and really, that's it. If you cannot handle it, common sense would tell you to screw yourself front back, centre, left right, up down. In other words, please la, can you please not be so uptight?

    Kwinella @ 5:56 PM!

    So, have you read the the papers?

    At the end of this entry, I am pretty sure I will have readers who think that I am very much in favour of the Muslim community. My stand is yes and no. Yes because I am a Muslim and I will stand up for my fellow Muslims whenever I deem fit, provided that it's for a good and morally sound cause. As for the no... ummm the issue concerns the Muslims and and my being Muslim isn't going to warp my judgements. Rest assured, I am looking at this from a (not completely) neutral perspective.

    *They are planning to profile airline passengers. This means that they would search people whom they think are suspects. Now, how would they know if a passenger is suspected to be capable of hijacking a commercial airliner and blowing it up in midair? "... airport bottlenecks could be reduced by careful targeting, with "young Muslim men" a focus. "

    Firstly, let me address the part on terrorists because the whole world seems to think that a Muslim is a potential terrorist. This skewed view on Muslims displeases me a great deal. adj : characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon); "terrorist activity"; "terrorist state" n : a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities. So, does this mean that only Muslims can use religion as a fighting cause? A Christian/Jew/Hindu annihilates thousands of other races (although it is rarely heard of, it could be a possibility, yes?), yet he is not a terrorist? Read up and watch movies. Analyse and compare. I'm sure there are case studies aplenty.

    And so why only do passenger profiling only on Asian and especially Muslim passengers? If security is a genuine concern, implement it in such a way that no one gets away unchecked. Are you telling us that it's okay to let a man possibly with fire arm weapon through but an also possibly innocent Asian or Muslim be labelled "travelling while Asian"?

    But of course, keeping in mind how extremely important it is to ensure the safety of all passengers, such a measure would be inevitable sooner or later. We can only hope that these screening measures would be carried out in a professional way and not in anyway that would put anyone in an unpleasant disposition.

    *If you're interested, you can refer to ST issue 16th Aug; pg 15 -World section. For the full story, click here

    Kwinella @ 4:54 PM!

    Monday, August 14, 2006

    This will be a short one, I promise.

    Nevermind that Rahimah will no longer be in Singapore Idol. Nevermind that Joakim is still vying for that title. And nevermind that I insist on posting this up despite feeling extremely sleepy and gorged. Afterall, Liverpool has just added another silverware to their myriad collection of trophies. So, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

    Crouch nearly got me punching the tv screen for getting in the way of Luis Garcia because that could have found its way to the back of the net. But since he scored the winner, what the hey. And that stunning cracker from Riise, completely mindblowing. ohhh happyhappyjoyjoy.

    School tomorrow and that surely is a killjoy. But nevermind that because I have a movie date with hiddy bobiddy. ((:

    Kwinella @ 12:44 AM!

    Sunday, August 13, 2006

    I know that Rahimah's idol journey has ended. But after watching the encore telecast of the spectaculars, my frustration was further aggravated. How Jasmine and Joakim are still in that competition is unfathomable. That ass of a monkey completely murdered my favourite theme song. I'm not saying that Rahimah's vocals are fantastic but you have got to be kidding me when you still have those 2 in the top 7. Seriously. You need to get either your ears dug or better still, replaced. You can borrow mine since they're almost equivalent to that of a satellite dish. hur hur hur hur. If those cannot help your impaired hearing and thus impaired judgement, I don't know what can.

    Please strain your ears so that you can vote properly the next time round.

    And you people ahhhh. Just because she's Indian or you think that she doesn't look as good as Jasmine, does not mean you can vote for people who can only prance around, ho-kaaaay. Do you honestly think we can afford to make ourselves the laughing stock of the world? Okay forget the world. Do you think we need our neighbours to mock us and the person we made SG Idol?

    Okay, I'll get back to this not-so-spectacular idol phenomenon whenever I feel like it.

    Anyway, I still have 3 copies of Movie On the Moon. Anyone interested, please let me know via handphone or msn. Thank you very much. Come on everybody, support local music. (:

    Kwinella @ 1:44 AM!

    Saturday, August 12, 2006

    Ahhh so John Terry has been named Captain of the England squad while Gerrard has been made vice-captain. Hmmm. Okay, I shall not complain and whine because he was afterall a candidate for the captaincy. And you know what made my National Day holiday even sweeter? I was at city link's adidas outlet with Amanda. And you know how they have Lampard's face splashed across all the stores... So I was moping around because they didn't have any ad with Gerrard's face on it. I mean, Liverpool's featured too, so where in the blazes is my stevie g?!

    I decided to walk out of the store and good heavens, there it was near the entrance. STEVEN GERRARD, in all of his glory. I trust that anyone who knows me well enough should be able to imagine my reaction whenever I see a Steven Gerrard adverstisement, so I shall just skip that part.

    I went home that evening and was just lazing on my sister's bed. I was pretty sure I had that sigh-i'm-in-love look plastered all over my face. My mum saw me and the immediacy of her reaction was just beyond me. "Ni mesti tadi jumpa gendak," in all of her serkap-jarangness. I played along and said "a'ah, tadi orang jumpa steven gerrard yang datang jauh dari England." And for a moment, it didn't occur to her that I was kidding.

    Okay so anyway, enough of my endless adoration for him.

    That same day, Shazrul dropped by so that we could exchange books. This is the same Shazrul who laughed and scoffed at me when told that I was going for a job interview at the library. -_-

    In any case, I lent him my A Short History of Nearly Everything, while I got a vair interesting one entitled *The Bastard On the Couch. I say all women out there should get their hands on this book. It doesn't matter if you're 18, single and out of love. It's an excellent read. We females sometimes curse men and complain how irresponsible they are, and how they can never understand us. Now, here's a chance for you to get into their heads and hearts. Take a good look at how things are going from their perspective.

    *The book is a compilation of stories edited by Daniel Jones, husband of author of Bitch in the House - Cathi Hanauer.

    Ohh ohhhh, face off at Millennium stadium tomorrow between the Reds and the Blues. I love.

    Kwinella @ 10:54 AM!

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    Happy 41st birthday Singapore!

    hur hur hur hur. Never thought that I'd be in the festive mood and very the... jiwa patriotik. And if you must know, I teared a bit while watching the parade on tv. Reasons for doing so shall not be disclosed for they are far too sentimental and lest I'd be labelled an emotional basketcase.

    Anyway, today saw an early kickstart and an early close too. I was home at 5p.m largely because I was knackered till mad and a teeny weeny part of me wanted to catch the live telecast of the national day parade on tv. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. And how could I when my cousin and a student of mine were performing. (:

    But if there's one thing that I love about national parades, it has to be the GOH contingent. And I must say, I was extremely impressed with this year's march-pass. I don't know why okay. But I suspect that it has something to do with men and women in uniform. hur hur. Ohhh like you don't already know.

    oh well. That's it for now, I guess. Nothing newsworthy to be shared. Once again, Happy National Day. Have a fabulous holiday tomorrow for those who're not working. I know I'll be basking in a happy lazy Thursday with a book and ummm prolly the rest of friends season 1.

    okay this is going to be very tak semena-mena but, I can't friggin' wait to start school. I have slightly more than 2 months.

    ohhh ohhhh did you guys catch Hady and Mathilda's performance?? I loveeeeeee. Especially since You've Got A Friend is a personal favourite. hehhhh. okay i cannot stop menceceh-ing.

    Kwinella @ 11:09 PM!

    Monday, August 07, 2006

    Okay, a brief recap of my weekend before I go on about what I really want to blab about.

    I had a fairly interesting saturday with my neighbour and the rest of her family (yes, she's my neighbour and not my twin sister. everyone please get that one right). All of us including the hundreds of cars that were neatly parked at that open field were waiting with much anticipation for the display by the Italians. It was quite a spectacle because I've never seen anything like that on homeground (yes neighbour, believe it or not). And may I also add that I was very amazed at how organised Singaporeans are. The minute I stood up to get a better view of the fireworks display, I was in awe. Not at the massive turnout of the crowd but rather at how unbelievably systematic we all are. If one thing's for certain, I know that in my heart, I said to myself orrrrghhhh, look at that. I love how everything looks; so neat. As if everyone's been automated to be like that. Like what Monica may say, I think I had a tiny orgasm. hehhh.

    Okay enough of my marvelling at such precise order. In any case, I find the display extremely beautiful. Especially the curly fries. hurhurhurrr.


    I had initially planned to bring one of my classes to the library to borrow a book and get a book review done but it suddenly dawned on me (thank God!) that CA is approaching and I haven't got much time to do any salvation. So I decided to cancel the library visit and just stay in class to do a review on a newspaper article. I assigned them homework which requires a little bit of reflective thinking and then went on to discuss another article. Now, this article discusses teen sex and pre-marital sex.

    I don't really care if I'm going to get into trouble for this entry

    The moment I mentioned the subject of discussion, the whole class erupted with a roar of unsettling excitement. One group of rowdy boys even thought I was going to teach them how to do it. I can understand the excitement but for the love of life, it's just a class discussion. Get a grip (excuse the pun). There's a fine line between joking with your teacher and being plain rude. And when you tell your teacher to demonstrate with another student, you're way overboard. Sometimes I don't know if I should tell myself that these students are only 13 and they don't know a thing, or if they're really stupid and uncivilised. I don't know if I should reach out to them and enlighten, which would be the morally sound thing to do, or if I should just let them be, which would let me live a lot longer.

    Come on. All I wanted to ask was, do you think safe sex alone is effective? Do you think educating the masses on abstinence alone is effective? Afterall, it takes two to clap. Seriously, that was it. And I think some of them went home still thinking that condoms is the solution and that abortion is all right. -slaps forehead-

    Ya Raab. What did I get myself into?

    I pray that they will grow up to be morally upright men and women who know that condoms is not the solution and that even though abortion is made accessible and legal, it does not mean that it's all right. Careful deliberation must be made and there are complications that follow. Do they think they are mature enough to come to a decision? Do they think they can shoulder a huge responsibility as such? I hope they are all asking themselves these questions at home, right now. I hope lah.

    But I don't think I want to force it upon them. I don't want them to think that it has to be that way just because most of us say it has to be that way. How am I supposed to make them think for themselves and what's best for them? I understand that's going to need a little bit of the skill to think analytically and the ability to reflect. And I haven't exactly touched on that facet of understanding.

    I didn't know teaching is so demanding.

    Can I go pull out all my hair now?

    NUS freshie!!! How was your first day as an undergrad??? (:

    Kwinella @ 9:46 PM!

    Friday, August 04, 2006

    What is known to be a local singing competition turned out to be a HUGE joke. I mean, seriously. A terrible rendition of spice girls and she's still in? Let's not forget the fact that the choice of song was horrid and watching her perform was like having a cactus plant shoved up my arse. And she's still in, notwithstanding all that. tsk tsk tsk. What were you Singaporeans thinking? Just what are the performing monkey and pretty-girl-but-cannot-friggin-sing jasmine doing in this competition? Do you seriously think this is a teens search show? Ohhhhh come on, people.

    It was as good as watching drunk people sing at ktv lounges.

    I have an incredible urge to get into the gogglebox with a pair of scissors in my hand and just snip off twohill's annoying ummmm windswept hair? Not cool okay. It irks me to the core of my soul just like how I get all irritated when someone used my stationery without permission. cb. It's damn annoying laaaaaaa so just please do something about it.

    God. pms is a bitch. It gets worse after that.

    Kwinella @ 8:02 PM!

    Thursday, August 03, 2006

    Zool, you ought to thank me for this.

    Here's a little something about hearmetoby. A local band consisting of 3 cowoks and 1 cewek. Their indierock cum punkrock tunes would be enough to send your heart throbbing with extreme excitement. Well, don't take my word for it. Their Movie On the Moon ep is out and they're going for $5/pc. Interested parties... well in this case, my friends who read this blog, you can reach me on my mobile or email me at suhhpaawooman@gmail.com if you think you're game enough.

    I make a bad marketing executive. I don't think I was persuasive enough. bleh. ohhh but who cares.

    Anyway, did you know that I watched the lake house by myself? The entire N row was empty. All but one, and that one seat was occupied by me. I think watching movies alone is very satisfying despite the likelihood of me bearing the social tag "creepy loner at sappy romantic movies" is rather high. I also tear everytime I watch the final season of f.r.i.e.n.d.s, especially the finale. And what has that got to do with anything? I have no idea. But that is how things are more interesting, isn't it? Randomness in its entirety. Hmmm, what's not to like.

    Kwinella @ 11:21 PM!

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    It felt good lashing it out on you. I never thought I'd ever find the words to say but in the heat of the moment, I somehow did. What can I say, it felt really good. You left me with no choice but to just hurl those words at you. Then again, I know my sweet victory is but a fleeting one because I doubt you have any sense of remorse at all. I doubt you even have the capacity to feel remorseful. My gut-feeling tells me that you're just going to do it over and over and never get tired of it. But you know what, do as you please and think of the world as a 24/7 fairground if you wish to because it's your friggin' life. I know that you are never going to realise the bigger-picture responsibilities that lie ahead of you and I don't care.

    I've mused much how your future will turn out and I can only pray for you.

    I've contained my thoughts and all my sentiments of you for far too long. I can no longer stomach them and you've pretty much sent it free-wheeling. You should be glad that I've no possession of WMD because seriously, dimwits like you are the bane of my existence.

    You're a crying tragic waste of skin.

    Kwinella @ 6:37 PM!