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talking heads
my el-jay
gorgeous mandy
music food by the chef

eat your heart out

funky words
funkier stuff
this is Anfield

to avoid queasiness,
refrain from having a stick or
any other device up your arse

in retrospect
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • June 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • February 2007

  • Layout
    Tuesday, March 28, 2006

    merepek, but nevermind.

    As if life isn't already any worse, God just has clever ways to punish his humble servants. I was squinting hard to make sure that I wasn't going to bump into anyone or hit the wall when I was on my way to work. Apparently, I suffered from what seemed to be momentary blindness on my left eye. But the momentariness(?) of my blindnesslasted for quite a while. Upon reaching the workplace, a pounding migraine led me straight to the backroom. There and then, I was desperately in need of a hammer or anything that could be used to hit my head and alleviate or put an end to the pain. I got excited and a tad nervous as I discovered a vein popping out of my temple as I was slowly massaging my own head. Being ridiculously paranoid as I always have been, I diagnosed myself with probable brain tumour and that i could possibly die of stroke.

    In a moment of panic, I decided to pay dr judy a visit. So there, I saw 15 dollars flew from my savings.

    i can't wait for friday. payday!!!

    got to go school tomorrow. finally.

    Kwinella @ 10:21 PM!

    I have no idea to what extent you've been hurt but I know you're hurt, nonetheless. It's heart-wrenching to just read of a distant friend's misery and not being able to lend a shoulder to cry on or to provide a listening ear. I am sure though, that being the strong girl that you always have been, you'll pull through the uphills and downhills of life with tremendous ease, given your personality and high character.

    However, just a word of caution. As far as possible, stay away from them for the time being. Especially since you'll be sitting for a major examination this year. You really can't afford to be inundated by unnecessary worries, distraction and all other tumultous events which may cause your life to take a turn for the worse.

    Just take care and don't let them hold you down or break your heart.

    much love from a friend across the causeway.

    Kwinella @ 12:05 AM!

    Monday, March 27, 2006

    I don't even know if you come here anymore but I'll take my chance, no matter. It has been quite a while since I last heard from you, an sms or a call. I can't even recall when was the last time we met for a dinner date. It has been *that* long. I'm not sure why though. Could it be that you didn't have time for me anymore? Or that you have other friends more worthy of your time? Well, I am naturally upset and bewildered at the same time as to why we've suddenly stopped talking. Did I do anything wrong, because I msot certainly don't remember saying or doing anything untoward? ( we haven't been talking eversince we got our results). I seriously haven't got a clue.

    I shall not be a moron and keep on beating about the bush. I shall fess up and admit to the world that I miss you very much. Not in a sickly, lesbian way, just in a sisterly, friendly way. I look at that graduation note you have every morning as I get ready for work (most dreadful) and think to myself, how on earth did we drift apart?

    Just what happened to B1 and B2? Remember during GP mass lecture, beruk queen number 1 and beruk queen number 2? Whatever happened to us? Am I not worthy as a friend because I'm a boring shopping companion? Or because I do not have similar bgr experiences and wisdom to share? Yes, you may find this a little overbearing, foolish and unnecessarily emotional. But I really don't care. I already am not as fortunate as you to luxuriate and bask in happiness, which, I am aware is not easy to accomplish. I hope you won't deny me a friendship I've always treasured right from the beginning. I may not be a kickass shopping companion as much as Noi is, or someone whom you can talk to about love, drama and relationships. But I am pretty sure I'll do an equally good job at being a friend and a good one at that.

    I got wasted in front of the television today. Not that kinda wasted (whatever it was you people had in mind). I woke up at 12 today after a very long night from soccer and a very romantic movie. It didn't help that I've been depressed as of late, and that movie made me bawl my eyes out. It was truly moving. Before the whole sappy love story affair, I caught the 203rd merseyside derby and I was fuming mad just a few minutes into the game with the sending off of Steven Gerrard and all. I told a friend "if liverpool loses this game, I hope the ref dies". I was cussing throughout the game. It was outrageous. A simple warning for the first infringement would have sufficed. But nooooo, ref had to flash the yellow card. Fortunately for the ref and of course Liverpudlians all over the world, we emerged victorious.

    I'm very worried. I have no idea when I will ever have the time to go back to school to collect the cca record. I have to send in the documents latest by April 5th. Tsk. Very leceh, you know. Unless I am keen on giving up on the teaching scholarship just like that, I have to wake up at 7 one of these days to head back to school. One of these days...

    Okay, I am emotionally drained. I'm out of here.

    p.s: sha! check your mail!

    Kwinella @ 12:18 AM!

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006

    Working in the service line does not make me dumb and inferior to you nitwit customers.

    And me not doing extremely well for my A levels does not make me any less than what you are. You and I, we're all humble beings, His servants. So stop being such a prick and disappear from the face of the earth. In other words, seriously, fuck off.

    I know for sure that there are people who're better off in terms of education and yet remain stupendously dimwitted and ignorant. I wonder if they have brains the size of a pea. How do I know for sure? Case in point, some of them are still clueless as to where to aim. They probably go "gee, do I excrete my waste into the small bowl or on the floor? mmmm, I think I shall just do it on the floor since it has a larger surface area." It's even more exasperating to learn that Singaporeans are illiterates. For the love of life, can't you read the fucking sign outside the toilet which clearly states NO SMOKING?

    And we're all proud to be Singaporeans.

    Kwinella @ 10:49 PM!

    Monday, March 20, 2006

    Don't ask me why koka.

    Just in case you haven't heard, Liverpool won while Chelsea suffered a defeat at the cottage. Now, that is somewhat an indication that the week will turn out just fine (I hope). I now have a cut-out picture of stevie g from a berita harian article on my desk, right next to a photo of me posing with the phone like a mentel little girl.

    Another match on wednesday morning. Let's just hope that sleepyhead here wakes up when the alarm on her phone blares from underneath the pillows.

    This has been yet another boring and sungguh merepek entry brought to you by... you're a shithead if you don't know who painstakingly stayed up to type this after spending a trying hour and a half or so watching that neverending Dia drama, which never fails to make my heart ache after each and every episode. It can be very exhausting.

    Kwinella @ 11:41 PM!

    Sunday, March 19, 2006

    It was a terrific jaw-dropping experience. I got to marvel at raul gonzales and STEVEN GERRARD!!! In a movie. I don't mind not having friends who often forget about me anyway. As long as there's stevie g and gang on a pitch, I know I can make it. Tsk, but in the movie, Liverpool lost to the magpies. I hope it isn't some kind of omen. Go Liverpool, gooooo!

    Anyways, after work, I did a wee bit of shopping and finally caught Date Movie. It's a nonsensical, no-brainer comedy which will make you laugh your arse off. While waiting for the show to start, I decided to kill time by having a meal at macs. So there I was, happily in a world of my own, fairly contented with my fillet-o-fish and small fries until this white boy barely in his pubescent years said something which really put me off. To think he said something pretty condescending about Asians to his group of friends, one of whom was a chinese-american and he's surrounded by a whole bunch of Asians in that food outlet.

    I'm no racist but seriously, you're not on homeground. Surely being a little bit more sensitive wouldn't hurt. They think they're far more superior than us Asians. I say they have a lot more to catch up on. Especially now that a new breed of ignoramus is at large.

    In other news, I saw that fauzi guy from anugerah. Nevermind him, I think his girlfriend is very pretty.

    Sigh. That remark sounded so wrong on so many levels.

    I don't know what's the hurry but my sister just reminded me that I'll be 20 this year and that I should help myself look for a boyfriend. I'll be happy enough if NIE accepts me.

    Kwinella @ 12:24 AM!

    Friday, March 17, 2006

    Nevermind the title.

    Oleh sebab kegelojohan yang meluap-luap, saya dan Baba saya, serta adik saya, pergi makan di al-ameen malam semalam. Maklumlah, satu hari suntuk saya lantak chicken wrap dari old changkee. Kalau awak-awak semua nak tahu, makanan dari old chang kee tu semuanya sungguh berminyak. Tak bedek lah. Lepas makan 3 chicken wrap, saya rasa macam saya akan mati diserang sakit jantung. Tapi apakan daya, kocek tengah sesak.

    Berbalik pada cerita asal... saya rasa lah kan, kami tiga beranak dilanda nafsu babi agaknya. Lepas makan di al-ameen, kami memandu ke drive-thru di KAP. Menyekik lagi.

    Lepas tu, kita pun balik. Ada orang tu bersungguh-sungguh nak bangun pukul 4 pagi. Kononnya nak tonton perlawanan bolasepak di antara Liverpool dan Fulham. Oleh sebab kekenyangan yang melampau, si dia pun terus pengsan setelah meletakkan kepala di atas bantal yang empuk.

    Tapi tak sia-sia saya tidur mati sambil mereka peta dunia di atas bantal. Good news are sweeter when they're least expected, aren't they? Liverpool mengalahkan Fulham 5-1. Alangkah bahagianya saya apabila membaca headline yang tertera di laman web soccernet, pagi tadi. Finally, Morientes scored. hur hur. What a delight, watching those Liverpudlians celebrate not 1, not 2, not 3 but 5 freaking goals, one courtesy of Fulham of course.

    Let's see if they can still put up a wonderful and entertaining performance on sunday, against the magpies.

    Dari makanan ke bolasepak liga perdana inggeris. Jauhnya melencong. Takpe lah ehhh. Time to hit the sack anyway.

    On a completely unrelated note, if life's a silverscreen, I'd win an oscar for best actress. Don't ask me why. I just know I would. Many thanks to the people around me of course.

    Kwinella @ 1:06 AM!

    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    I'm back from the sabbatical! Okay, bedek je. The stay at the alma mater was a blast and I had a swinging good time, literally. Firstly, it felt good to be back, walking down the corridors and past the staff room. I felt 16 all over again. heh. The teachers (some) and I were reunited and then they started asking me how my results were and our conversation soon revolved around me and my plans. But it was soon time to settle down, or so I thought. We played floorball instead. Wooohoooooooo. Okay, it's not like I didn't play floorball or touch the floorball stick in Millennia. It's just different when you play floorball with assumptionites, in the school hall, on the worn-out wooden floor of Assumption English School. Notwithstanding my lack of competence and fitness, I was raring to go. We played till the wee hours of the morning. Best lah.

    I had fun, most of the times (when I'm awake). And then I saw Nurin, Mrs Norman's daughter. She was so small and pink the last time I saw her and now she's 4, looking so pretty. And I must say baby Afiq, the little brother, is cuteness personified. His arms and legs are so full of flesh, I just want to bite him. hur hur. I kid you. I caused no harm to the the baby.

    The first half of the 2nd day was a tad dreary for me with all the lethargy and fatigue from the previous night kicking in. I forced myself to walk around though. Ended up accompanying Conan, a junior, taking snapshots of everything. We got hungry and didn't feel like camp food so we took a bus down to bp plaza for lunch and other miscellaneous activities like shopping for cup noodles, sweets and lighter (for the campfire which had no fire eventually). The wet weather programme for campfire was uber rad and I had crazy fun. I was completely impressed. The planners and performance knocked me off my feet. But right, I still feel that it would have been better still if they had sung the traditional campfire songs. tsk. But nevermind lah kan.

    After campfire saw us in the hall again for a floorball match; the teachers and me (plus a few other ex students) vs the planners. We were soooo cool lah because we were on a winning streak and we were unstoppable. hur hur. Credit goes to my wonderful compadres Edwin, Damien (just to name a few) and of course Miss Lee, Miss Iza, Mr Hisham, Mr Michael and Mr TOK! Yes, Mr Tok came back. wooooohooooooo. More importantly, I scored a goal. Hmmm, I sucked at floorball during pe in millennia but I played like a pro lah for that 2 nights. haha. okay, Ain macam-macam only.

    I shall not talk about break camp because I am not particularly good with goodbyes. In any case, a huge thanks from the bottom of my heart to the AES family who've made me feel so comfortable during my stay. Next year, you all buy strawberry strudel and flavoured tea for me, okay?? And maybe canadian pizza. hur hur. Shameless, this Ain is.

    And then it was back to work on Monday. I turned up late because I had to submit an essay for some scholarship thing. I couldn't do it the night before because we went to changi beach after the camp. We were all there supposedly to fish but I ended up dozing off on the mat. But that is not the point. The thing is, I reached work during the peak hour and the shop was ultra-crowded. I quickly settled down and took over at the cashier. In all that lunchtime madness, with me still in a daze, a customer came up to me and looking for a particular movie title. I helped her searched at the range but it wasn't there. So I told her that it could have been rented out already. And then I went elsewhere to help another customer. I came back to the counter and there she was saying "it's right here (at the counter)". And there I was showing remorse, "Sorry, I didn't know it was there." Aku baru sampai kerja lah siak. How was I to know if it has been returned. Am I to be held responsible for every single rental item coming in and out of the shop, every second of the day? And she said "you could have at least told me. are you having a bad day or what?" waaaahhhh. She rolled her eyes at me lah sehh. The gall.

    Sesungguhnya, aku tak bersalah. But me being me, tears started streaming down my face which was so red, fuming with anger and at the same time consumed in bewilderment. She even asked my supervisor for HQ's number to feedback on how I serve customers. Apparently, she has observed me serving other customers. She claimed that while I was all smiles to caucasian customers, chinese customers wasn't greeted with such warmth. Seriously, where the fuck did that come from? I don't care if I get terminated for talking about work matters here. On what grounds is she accusing me of giving differential treatment? Just because she saw me smile to caucasian customers but not chinese customers? For one thing, I treat all my customers equally. Almost all. I'm just more chatty with the regular customers with whom I can engage in a conversation. I definitely do not smile less to chinese customers. In fact, most of the customers whom I can click with instantly are chinese. What she said about me, is a sweeping statement.

    So, we have decided that if she comes back to the shop, I'll be off to do something other than cashier. She has done nothing but to put us both in an awkward position.

    I've seen people in the service industry giving differential treatment to customers. But case in point above is definitely not an illustration of biasness or even racism. But do think about it. Sometimes, some people just ask for it. (No, I'm not referring to the customer mentioned earlier) Customers can be so demanding and unreasonable beyond belief sometimes and to err is human. Therefore, the servant may sometimes lose his/her cool. Although he/she may not express it openly or entirely, his/her mannerisms and speech may portray the hot-headedness within and hence, triggering the i-want-to-complain mode in the customer.

    So, after you've lodged a complaint, what is it that you achieve? A sense of satisfaction derived from someone losing his/her rice bowl, someone who may need the job to pay tuition fees or medical fees for a sick parent/sibling? There is no humanity left in mankind. What is to become of us in this dog-eat-dog era? Okay, so dramatic.

    I need to sleep lah dammit. Soccer in a bit. I'm going to hit the sack, wake up at 3.55 and then go back to sleep after subuh. And that leaves me with 2 hours of sleep before I get up, shower and get ready for work. They better win! Otherwise, I'll slash and burn whoever gets in my path. raaaaaaaaaaawrrrr.

    Why is that KAP doesn't sell milkshake? Why do only certain outlets sell milkshake? For the love of life, have every single outlet sell milkshake, dammit. And why are only certain outlets opened 24hours? Why not all?! whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Not enough cool people in bukit panjang who're insomniacs to patronise a 24-hour outlet issit???

    Okay, I'm in dire need of some shut eye.

    ps: nana, you have cute and good-looking guy friends. it's just too bad they're all ummm, at least 3 years my junior. hur hur.

    Kwinella @ 1:03 AM!

    Friday, March 10, 2006

    I've just finished watching one of the greatest films man has ever made; one of Chaplin's. The satirical approach to the film left me riveted and very much intrigued. This penultimate comedy also had my stomach in knots. But in any case, that was today.

    Last night (or this morning, rather), I woke up at 3.30 to catch the game live at anfield. I tried with all my might to stay awake till full time, only to go back to sleep in utter disappointment. I woke up at 3.30 in the morning just to watch LFC lose at home and henceforth, knocked out of the champions league. The European champs, knocked out of the competition without even getting near to defending that silverware. I was pissed, needless to say. The disappointment, anger, frustration (and whatever that is synonymous) was overwhelming. I can't believe I woke up so early in the morning to watch LFC lose at Anfield.

    The side effects were tremendous. On my way to work, I cussed and cursed everyone who were in my way. Every single one of them who pushed, shoved and jostled just so they could get on the train FIRST and win millions of dollars worth of prizes. I turned up for work with a groggy head. We had breakfast had BK while waiting for W to arrive with our keys afterwhich, I had to pay the toilet a visit because of a stomach upset. Fries and chilli in the morning. Go figure.

    All in all, work was okay. I finally had glimpses of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. Yes, I am outdated but so what. I am so proud of myself because I completed sleeving dunno-how-many seasons of tv series into a new plastic jacket. I did all that standing up from 3 to 8, consuming only red bull within that time span of 5 hours. hip hip hooraaaay. I have lived! -_-

    another note, there's this (as much as I hate to call him this, I cannot control myself) dimwit who's a year younger than me on msn who added me through friendster. He asks me questions as if I've been his buddy for years.

    Dah makan? If I've not, are you going to deliver food to my doorstep? If so, I want mexican pizza with lotsa salsa sauce.

    How was your day? This question seems perfectly harmless but me being me... Liverpool is out of the champions league you twerp! Can you help get Liverpool back into the competition and defend their title as champions of Europe?

    I'm going off on a sabbatical (not) over the weekend. But I've yet to pack. And, I've a course to attend at 9 in the morning.

    wow. my life is so damn happening.

    Kwinella @ 12:47 AM!

    Wednesday, March 08, 2006

    Let's just forget what I wrote in the previous post and let bygones be bygones. I don't know what got over me. Fatigue I guess. Or work of the devil, I presume. Heh.

    Anyways, work was okay today and tomorrow is going to be a long day because I am going to spend it by sorting out 2 days' worth of receipts. And in the evening, we had a customer who was browsing at the lounge/chill-out section and he wanted to listen to a certain cd. We did as what our job required us to do and that was to serve the customer. He was directed to the player and everything went on as per normal. Okay, not quite normal.

    You see, other customers would put on the headphones over their heads so that their hands would be free to scroll, adjust or whatever. But this particular customer already had files and papers in his left hand and yet he chose to hold the headphone in the other hand, pressing it against his right ear.

    So there I was, thinking out loud over at the counter "is that guy vain or what? look at the amount of gel he has on his hair. even if ip's struck by a sudden storm, his hair will remain in place lah". And then we heard something. We thought that it came from someone's phone because it was ultra loud. And then we realised that it came from that customer whose hair was smothered with God-knows-how-many tonnes of gel, over at the listening station. I swear, anyone who put on that set of headphones could have turned deaf instantly. I came up to him and asked if he would like me to help him adjust the volume. The guy looked at me with such immense gratitude smeared all over his face and said "ohhhh, yes please. thank you very much." -_-

    Before I submit this entry and finally hit the sack, let me share with you an insight.

    After work saw me at bbdc. Today, I finally started on the crank course. Everything went on smoothly, initially. Usually, students will gradually improve as they progress. I, apparently, only seem to come across more obstacles such as mounting and hitting the kerb as I get closer to being able to move on to the final stages. And then it suddenly hit me. My dad only passed his TP on a 2nd attempt. The infringement being, mounting on a kerb.

    Ke mana kuah nak tumpah kalau tak ke nasi? Like father, like daughter, hor?


    Kwinella @ 12:37 AM!

    Sunday, March 05, 2006

    First and foremost, they drew. cb. 0-0. At home.

    Secondly, why bother to have a discussion? Why bother to lay it all out so that you can understand the benefits and setbacks should this or that be undertaken? Why take the trouble to do all that when I know that at the end of it all, the answer is going to be "no"/ " not good lah that one". A discussion should involve my take on the issue as well. If what I want to undertake is beyond our means, I'm willing to let go. But not before we work something out. If a discussion to you means only your take on the issue matters, it should then be a reprimanding session. I am not about to let history repeat itself and end up being a mediocre ALL MY FUCKING LIFE. For once, let me do what I want to do and let me be what I want to be.

    A bursary, a scholarship. She should know by now how those would be beneficial. But noooo, she snapped at me because I am photocopying too many copies of all the necessary certificates. Sometimes, I don't know if I should be thankful or (insert any word that's antonymous to the former). Sometimes her conscientiousness to unerringly make things better for all of us drives me up the wall because occasionally, it becomes overbearing.

    I need my dad now.

    Kwinella @ 10:08 PM!

    But let me tell you the not-so-happy part of the story before I go on to the superjoygasmic portion. Someone was supposed to go to the career fair exhibition with me and had told me alst night to give him a call in the morning. I did. I woke up at 10-ish on a SUNDAY morning just to give that someone a wake-up call. Wait, it wasn't just ONE wake-up call but MANY wake-up calls. I even had his mum to help me wake him up and *jengjengjeng* I went there by myself eventually. pfffftttt.

    So i dragged my feet to the exhibition, looking like a zombie. I was very unkempt lah. Sungguh tak senonoh. When I finally reached the convention hall, I wasn't pleased at all to see such massive swarms of human beings everywhere. I almost died of suffocation. I bumped into some familiar faces and the one of them was my secondary schoolmate and he ended up accompanying me throughout the whole searching for THE UNI stint. Now here's the happy part. I applied for james cook university and I chose Bachelor of Psychology. Henceforth, I decided to cancel my application for central queensland university since the BSc in psychology that it's offering only offers part-time. I've no idea since when I've taken such a strong liking to psychology. My dad thinks I'd become a psycho myself if I pursue a degree in psychology. So corny, right???

    After being in there for about 2 hours, we took off for late lunch at macs and ate at the fountain of wealth where we saw crazy people circling the thing as if they're on a pilgrimage. My friend said it's to bring them good luck. Ridiculous, if I may say so. Get good luck from what??! My friend suggested that it's probably because they think the water's blessed. WTF?! What blessed water? It's just water coming from the pipes somewhere. Water filled with sodium or chlorine is blessed water meh?

    Anyways, after a bit of chit-chat, he drove me till Jurong East where I took a train home and he left for a soccer game with his mates.

    And now, I just found out that my applications to both local and overseas universities all contail inaccurate information. It's all due to a mighty stupid mistake which was overlooked. HowNowBrownCow? Tsk. Now I'm faced with the arduous task of calling up the admin or frontdesk of the various universities to clarify the matter. arghhhhhhh.

    Nevermind that. In other news, my dad has given the green-light for me to study at UM. yayyy. Can you sense the excitement that fills the core of my very being? huhhh? huhhhh? Now, I must figure out a way on how do I go about applying for UM.

    Okay, I need to berak now.

    Kwinella @ 7:10 PM!

    I had a kick-ass time at esplanade tonight. The plan to catch either Munich or Rumour Has It, flopped and Amanda and I ended up walking back and forth in town, in search of a clinic which would still be opened. We searched, but in vain. When I saw Shenton Medical Group on the list, my eyes lit up but the spark faded once we realised that all the clinics in paragon are closed. Whyyyy? Do people suddenly turn all "in the pink of health" on saturdays?? arghhh (not that I begrudge the fact that there are a lot of other healthy people out there with the exception of one - me. nooooo, why would I?).

    I realised that a sick girl and a town filled with smelly people do not go very well together and hence, the decision to have dinner at esplanade. We ate at too hot cafe. I called Iqbal and Shazrul to ask where they were and invited them over for dinner. Fortunately for them, they arrived in a jiffy. Had it been otherwise, Amanda and I would have just walked off. And so the evening was filled with corny jokes, blunders (courtesy of the kambing himself) and not-so-interesting army stories as soon as Raymond arrived. The three of them were caught up in a battlefield of very much their own. They were talking about a recruit carrying another recruit during a route march, for the love of life. Thank you, nevertheless, for the splendid evening.

    Here's to many more funny evenings and hearty dinners. (:

    Needless to say, I'm a happy girl with a stomach cramp which just refuses to subside. Ohhh and did I mention that when I finally got to a clinic (which was opened. oh, the delirium) and got myself an mc, it cost me 30-freaking-dollars!!!?? Just the mc. So all in all, I'm a happy broke girl with a stomach cramp which just refuses to subside. And on top of all of that, I sound pretty much deranged. It's probably because I'm too fatigued.

    Kwinella @ 12:49 AM!

    Saturday, March 04, 2006

    Faster guess.

    If you think that my life is far too exciting and I, therefore have a lot of things which I ought to share with the readers of this blog, you're probably right. But if you guessed that I'm left to rot at home on saturday and no one to take me to the movies to watch Munich, you're damn right.

    I am supposed to be on mc today because I woke up this morning with that same old excruciating pain. So after gobbling down my brunch, I decided to pay the clinic downstairs a visit. To my horror, both the clinics are closed and will only be opened again for consultation at 6. Lunchtime take so long meh?? And in between 1-6pm, people won't fall sick one mehh?? wah lau. Oh well, pay no attention to my grievances.

    Okay, I might be going out afterall.

    Okay I'm off now. Going on a date with Amanda is like arguing with your husband/wife over which sofa set matches the living room. Okay, lousy analogy. But I love you deep deep okay Am!

    Kwinella @ 3:32 PM!

    That's how I walk now, like an old grandmother who probably has a bad case of osteoporosis. I've been absent from work for 3 days now. Well, the 1st one was because I had to collect my results, 2nd one was because I stupidly thought that I had to go down to the schools to do the application and registration, forgetting all about the wonderful internet and 3rd one's because I've been hit by the worst case of menstrual cramps ever. If I still can't stand up straight and walk properly by 8 am later, I may have to call in sick again.

    And today was also the first time in 3 days, that I've had a proper meal. I'm telling you, when the cramps took its toll on me, there was no desire to eat left in me. All I wanted to do was lie in bed. Whenever I got up to go to the toilet, I'd end up feeling light-headed and break in cold sweat. Today was good because I finally ventured somewhere beyond the toilet and my bedroom. I caught the 2nd last episode of friends, which left me in tears and some indonesian horror flick. But the horror flick had me laughing so hard, I think it aggravated the pain.

    Hartford has already called regarding the advanced diploma in tourism and hospitality management as well as BSc in psychology. I hope to hear from NTU and NIE soon. My parents would be thrilled if my application to NIE's accepted. Oh well, so would I. Let's just pray everything goes well. Wish me lucks.

    Kwinella @ 2:23 AM!

    Wednesday, March 01, 2006

    Before everyone gets all excited and ends up in awestruck or bewilderment, let me just clarify one thing.

    My colleague told me a week ago, after he had watched Brokeback Mountain, that the movie is R21 (much to my dismay). Last night, when I met up with Hiddy, we were so caught up in planning for our movie date, we didn't really give much thought to the censorship rating. We happily made plans and then went home. So when she messaged me this afternoon to remind me that we're both not 21, it suddenly came flashing back to me that CM had already rubbed it in my face that I won't be able to watch the show.

    So there you have it. I didn't watch an R21 show, okay? So much for the man-on-man action. You bet I'm disappointed. But I guess it was a fortunate accident because we made plans with Mustafa and his girlfriend instead. We wanted to watch walk the line but settled for Constant Gardener. Hiddy had giddy spells throughout the movie. Probably because of the way the movie was shot. hur hur. Poor girl. I say it's a good one despite it being a little slow and having a tad too much dialogue.

    Okay, me realising that I'm not 21 just before I was about to watch an R21 show was not my only blunder of the day. I made several, in fact. I don't know what is it with me and wanting to go down escalators which are going up. But hey, I'm not the only one who makes nonsensical mistakes. There are lotsa other people too. People whom I shall refer to as customers. hee hee (please don't sack me before I tender my resignation). I don't mean to make a mockery out of everything but really, it tickles me when I see/hear things like that (below) everyday at work.

    As on a rental reservation list under a particular customer : April In The Snow (the original title is April snow)

    A customer came up to me and asked "Miss ah, do you have (what sounded like) harriot of fire?" It was quite a while before it finally occurred to me that he was looking for chariots of fire. Gee.

    I just find it tragic that these people, who're corporate executives and therefore highly educated, are rather misinformed and ignorant. But of course, we sometimes have to shed some humour into a tragedy. Life's much easier and interesting like that, don't you think? Many thanks to these people for making my life a lot less mundane. (:

    But they haven't made me forgot that results will be released tomorrow afternoon. As in later today. Everyone, please pray for me. Thank you very much. I'm off to watch Little Women now.

    Kwinella @ 12:58 AM!