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talking heads
my el-jay
gorgeous mandy
music food by the chef

eat your heart out

funky words
funkier stuff
this is Anfield

to avoid queasiness,
refrain from having a stick or
any other device up your arse

in retrospect
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006
  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • June 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • February 2007

  • Layout
    Sunday, October 30, 2005

    I shall admit that I do not like to take medicine, even if I am down with the worst flu, ever. The only form of medication I take is woods peppermint cough syrup or strepsils or any other lozenges for coughs. I hate going to the doctor's when I'm sick partly because I know for sure that they'd prescribe me that tiny and pungent orange tablet for antibiotics. On another hand, I hardly go to the doctor's at all even if I were sakit macam ayam berak kapur dan buruk nak mampos. That is because, my mother always thinks that I am not sick enough to be entitled to a visit to the doctor's - even if my sore throat and hot, thick and creamy mucus were to be the death of me.

    But tonight, I shall give in. I shall take some form of medication to ease the flu considering the very fact that I do not want to be sick on syawal and exams are just around the corner. Eurgh.

    Before I submit this entry, I'd like to congratulate my one and only beruk for finally having bombed her toilet after so long. Heres to more bananas and all other fruits that could possibly make you bomb more. heh.

    Kwinella @ 5:32 PM!

    Saturday, October 29, 2005

    Studying today was good and it gave me a sense of assurance, knowing that I'm almost done with rocks and landforms, something which I should have been done with eons ago. Better late than never, I suppose. We studied and studied until we lost track of time and finally left for iftaar at 6.15 or so. It was a good thing we reached early. God knows where we could have ended up eating if we hadn't made it there on time. I think we gorged ourselves silly with the doner pancakes, different kinds of salads and how can I forget the cheesecake that nearly made me puke my guts out. We could barely walk to the bus stop after that. Bloated we were but I had great fun nonetheless. Thanks beruk.

    On another note, I think I've found the explanation for my being awake at ungodly hours. But I shall not reveal it lest I'd be labelled an addict. That would be demeaning, wouldn't it? It's a good thing that I've found a way or two to make me drowsy and eventually making me conk out. Fortunately, it has nothing to do with the consumption of drugs or the likes of it. I must say that it wasn't easy but I'm glad it happened and up till now, I cannot believe that it actually happened. Okay, now I cannot stop smiling sheepishly to myself. I sooo want to slap myself lah. Even though it wasn't drugs, it still got me on a high. woooooot wooooooot. Okay, aku gila.

    In any case, I'm sure you've all noticed by now, that the comments have been removed due to selenge-ness of my pc (and owner alike) and so my lovely beruk has kindly put up a tagboard for me. saaaaaaayang beruk. My dad returns tomorrow from Narita and we'll probably head on down to tts hospital to visit my nenek who was admitted on Friday due to a case of stroke. Hopefully, everything is all right since she is no longer in ICU.
    Okay, I'm off... to roll around and wait for me to get sleepy. Just so you know, it wasn't rolling that got me on a high. heh.

    Kwinella @ 11:28 PM!

    Thursday, October 27, 2005

    Oh the frustration. I cannot seem to be able to view the comments while all my other friends or all other users of the internet for that matter, can. Now, that sucks. I feel so cacat. So incomplete. Suddenly I'm reminded of bsb. Arghhh that aside. I seem to be able to chop up my own thoughts which aren't very coherent anyway. bleh. So no biggie I guess. I have a raging urge, surging inside me to have a knife in my grasp so that I can slash and rip out someone's guts. My head's suddenly inundated with urgent and compelling anxieties which I find myself plunging into and hence the frustration and potential violence. Panic not, for I am really a harmless twerp who has zero tolerance for even a papercut. It is therefore quite impossible for me to have the capacity to inflict serious pain and damage on anyone. But still, I cannot view the comments laaaaa.

    Kwinella @ 10:55 PM!

    Tuesday, October 25, 2005

    And again, mother had to say something completely uncalled for. If she thinks that having us kids is as good as having no kids at all, the next time she needs someone to run an errand, I hope she doesn't get irah or nana to do it. She should probably get the boy from next door to do it. And the next time father needs to paint the house, he can forget about asking us to help. He should probably just get help from the bangla downstairs. Apparently, her own daughters are useless. I do not mean to be calculative but did she forget that every year, before raya, I toil hard just to bring down the curtains, iron new ones and put them up? Did she forget that the past few weeks, her daughters are the ones who sacrificed their time to help their father paint the house just so they could fulfil their dutiful roles as daughters? I admit that it's not everyday that we get to be so rajin and help with the chores but we do try... whatever that is within our means.

    This Ramadhan has definitely been very trying emotionally, mentally and physically. But nevermind that. After studying today, Asliana and I made our way to her mum's place and that was where I first got my fingers into making kuih tart. We had our iftaar somewhere else and then dessert at some place which I never thought I would set foot on, ever again after 10 years. I had heaps of fun. Thanks muchness bebbb.

    I'm telling you, this woman has got to be the craziest friend I've ever had. It can be very scary when your girlfriend checks you out... as in check you out from head to toe. The excuse she gave - my polo tee and sling bag was nice. She simply refused to admit that I am naturally sweet and irresistible. She also brought up something which I found completely disturbing. While we were walking towards the 243 berth at the interchange, she noticed that a few secondary school boys were checking me out. So I told her that if there's anything on me that would turn heads, it would be the pimples. But she insisted that it was what I wore. Woman, I had my school skirt and SC polo tee on! What could possibly be so attractive about our school skirt and that polo tee, which is pretty cool, if I might add??? And why do I attract young boys? Asliana, I do not want to appear like a small girl, still in secondary school hokaaay.

    Kwinella @ 10:48 PM!

    Saturday, October 22, 2005

    Last night was a blast. But let's save that for another entry, when I'm a whole lot saner and composed.

    I will never treat my children the way my mother treats me. It hurts like mad to be called perempuan gila by the woman who carried you for 9 months in her womb.

    Kwinella @ 4:57 PM!

    Friday, October 21, 2005

    I can't believe I am already up when I slept only at 7. Amazing.

    Kwinella @ 10:37 AM!

    I find it difficult to get back to sleep after subuh. So, here I am killing time so that I can become sleepy again and just fall flat on my mattress. School's out. Okay, so it's not entirely out since I still have to go back to school for consultation next week and the Exams are not too far away. Although it's not compulsory to go back to school for consultation, I think I shall fully utilise the opportunity to bug all my tutors. Afterall, I am too smart for my own good to revise on my own at home. Yea, I'm *that* smart.

    I have something to say about the award presentation during graduation later. It's a tad unfair that... oh nevermind. It's not as if anyone can hear my plea and by some miraculous chance, act accordingly. But anyways, yesterday was the last day of school. Sad but such is the truth. It wasn't a happy ending altogether. I didn't get to meet my beruk. Okay I did meet her but it was only for a tiny while and that was to pass her a photo and the farewell note I wrote for my most of my friends. So B1, I hope we'll get to see each other later tonight to do a fair bit of chatting, laughing, gossiping(heh) and above all, camwhoring.

    Boy, the excitement is driving me nuts. I am not all that excited to graduate. I'm more interested in looking at what my fellow schoolmates are going to put on. It's going to be a kick-ass night. It's fun to people-watch okay.

    Anyways, I was giving out the farewell/graduating (whichever) notes which I spent a total of 6 hours writing on wednesday night. I wrote it out on a green envelope. There was a handful who thought that there was something inside the envelope and so tried to open it. Tsk. If the note is clearly, already on the envelope, why would I bother to insert something else on the envelope? Do you people think I'm so rich as to get something else apart from the envelope? I'm not lah. I'm a bloody cheapskate. But a note is a note and I wrote all of them with utmost sincerity. From the bottom of my heart hokaaay.

    So right. I was giving out them envelopes and among the many conversations I had, below had me laughing to myself last night as I was getting ready for bed.

    A few friends: eh, what are you giving out?? invitation?
    me: *smiles sheepishly* yah
    A few friends: invitation to what?
    me: invitation to my walimatul urus
    A few friends: *shocked* with whom are you tying the knot?
    me: I've picked the date and time but I haven't picked the groom.
    me: But anyways, make sure that you all turn up.
    A few friends: eh, you really do plan in advance eh.

    *slaps forehead*

    I still have a few more notes to write. I'm off. Have a nice day!

    Kwinella @ 5:53 AM!

    Tuesday, October 18, 2005

    Today I came home with a handful of bag filled with clothes which 2 of my friends have kindly lent me to consider which to wear on Friday. I am not sure if this is a good thing but what I've decided to don on that day was nothing from that purple paper bag. I told you I'm fickle. I was *this* close to getting hammered by my mother for being so... fickle. So you people just wait till Friday comes aiy? hee hee.

    Okay so it's settled then. One less thing to worry about. You know, sometimes I wish I could fast forward time so that I can get the exams over and done with. But judging by the rate of my preparation, that would be considered as a death wish. Nevertheless, I badly want exams out of my hair.

    Anyway, the following conversation took place a while ago. It roughly sounded like...

    Me: xxx!! I forgot the name of this camera!!!
    xxx: ah?? come again? (i think that was what he said. can't really decipher 'cos I was too excited)
    Me: alahhhh. The camera yang kalau ambil gambar, nanti gambarnya keluar instantly
    xxx: polaroid.
    Me: aaaahhhhh thanks thanks.
    xxx: hah. oh my God.
    Me: okay thanks.bye.

    All that fuss just because I saw KLIK on suria just now and they were talking about that darn thing and I just couldn't find the word. Cekik darah kan? Speaking of darah, (heh) when oh whennnn will I be able to fast again? I drink and pee like a horse and gorge myself like I have a bottomless pit when I am at home. Okay I shall stop whining, okay? And hit the books. bye.

    To a friend, there is no telling how many miles you have to run while chasing a dream. Hang in there okay babe!

    Okay, okay so I've decided to stay a while more. I've only come to realise a few minutes ago that I have a friggin' short-term memory. It is simply preposterous how I can have so many things in mind and the moment I am about to pen them down, they slip off my mind like how a loose underwear would slip off me. Okay fine. So it's an exaggerated analogy but really, who cares anymore? All they care and worry about is students slandering or flaming teachers online. Give it a rest already. Surely, there is some truth in some of their seemingly unreasonable and malicious ramblings on their miserable adolescence. Otherwise, would they have been spurred by nothing at all to make such vicious remarks? Afterall, takkan pokok bergoyang kalau tak ada ribut?

    Kwinella @ 7:25 PM!

    I cannot believe this. I really do suck.

    Kwinella @ 1:00 AM!

    I suck.

    Kwinella @ 12:54 AM!

    Unbelievable. It is truly beyond the comprehension of any sane mind that I am able to put up with my sister's crap and that I can survive one night in her room. It is a miracle that I haven't become deaf from hearing her croaking. Her rendition of Gaye Marvin's Ain't No Mountain High Enough was horrendous. No more, no less. God, help me... and my sister. What has become of her? I thought that I have always been the one who is kemaruk about everything. But noooo... apparently my sister is more of a kemaruk than I am.

    On a totally unrelated note altogether, was in town today after school with Amanda who insisted on getting me a dress for graduation. We were at the cashier getting ready to pay when I told her that I changed my mind about the dress and that she shouldn't be spending that much money on my birthday present. I felt bad enough to have her come down all the way to town just to get me a dress which I would probably wear once in my entire life.
    Am, I'm sorry okay.

    Okaaaay. I have to be honest. My Ramadhan has not been as fruitful as what I had imagined it to be. Well, it's mostly because of that time of the month lah. Once it ends, I have no more excuses. I have about 15 more days to make the most out of what I am left with. As said by a certain someone in an sms, "rugilah seseorang yang Ramadhan datang dan pergi tetapi dia masih sama." The Bahasa is a tad tonggang-langgang, that I must admit but it is a good reminder nonetheless. Okay my sister's fast asleep and suddenly it feels awfully strange not to have her yakking. Truth be told, I've ran out of things to say. Obviously, this is just for the sake of updating. I ensure a proper entry once I've regain composure. Composure from what you might ask? Now, I think I shall let it be a secret between me and ummm myself. If need be, I'd probably leak a wee bit in my by-all-means-google-me-but-i-doubt-you-can-find-me other blog. For now, toodles. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa all you good people.

    Kwinella @ 12:01 AM!

    Sunday, October 16, 2005

    Pure nothingness. School has been nothing but a frantic rush. Time is ticking away so quickly that every moment counts. But this weekend saw everything coming to a sudden halt. I woke up on saturday morning with an agonising cramp. I couldn't get up to even feed myself. I slept so much that each time I got up to go to the kitchen, my head felt as though it has been anchored down by an ultra-huge rock. And by the time I wanted to get back to bed, I felt feverish. My body is weird. Woke up this morning with cramps, again. So again, I did nothing. But it was very, very boring. I could have almost died. Death by inertia.

    But Friday wasn't so bad. My family and I made our way to geylang. As expected, the place was sardine-packed. We were there on the pretext, okay no, we were really there to look for Nana's baju and of course, some food to munch on. We searched high and low but none were to her liking. She saw a few, tried them on but she had to see a flaw in the baju. For instance, she thought that this one baju was too heavy and she felt uncomfortable and this other baju had poor workmanship. I was tired, thirsty with my armpits sweating buckets and was starting to get very agitated with people who probably left their brains at home. I don't mean to be a brat but who in the right mind would push their child in a pram amidst a freaking crowded place with makcik-makcik, kakak-kakak, adik-adik yang tengah perah otak nak pilih baju mana yang harus dibeli.

    I was like a mad woman mumbling to myself. But my frustration was soon allayed right after I gulped down slurpee (which I think was the cause of the cramps) and munched on the sour skittles and deng deng. Sungguh menjanjikan. While waiting for baba's friend to arrive, we sat by the walkway (the likes of anak terbiar) and entertained ourselves by singing to our favourite old tunes. I think it was more like croaking because it drizzled soon after that. Baba's friend arrived after what seemed like forever. We buckled up and we were on our way home. Or so we thought. They stopped at some parking lot so that baba could take over and continue the journey home. Yes people, Alhamdulillah, my father has finally obtained a driving license. The man who claimed that he's afraid to get behind the wheel obtained a driving license and drove all of us safely from paya lebar to home at long hill. I can't deny that I was pretty tensed up behind the driver's seat. I anticipated our arrival at our destination with bated breaths. But what can I say, I was impressed that the ride was smooth.

    Hooookay. In about an hour's time, the weekend will be over and then it's back to school. I know I shouldn't be fussing about this but what do you know, I still haven't quite made up my mind about what I'm going to wear on Friday. Yes, I know. I ought to be slapped in head for being so fickle. Okay, so tell me people. Should I go for multi-culturalist or the wanita-melayu terakhir look?

    Kwinella @ 10:55 PM!

    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    Divine fun. After cracking my head open over management and econs last night, I went into my sisters' room and eventually settled down there. The youngest one was halfway through slumberland and the other one was still up doing last minute revision for physics. See, procrastination runs in the blood. But she's smarter so it's okay I guess. Here's a snippet of what happened last night after Nana was done with physics.

    Irah: *screams* orang nak tidur kan!!!
    Nana: Besok kau sekolah?

    Irah eventually shuts up because she didn't have to attend school. Then...

    Nana: Cepat-cepat tidur...
    Nana: Nanti dapat 1st.

    The corniness. It runs in the family too. Well, initially I was sleeping on the bed with Irah but she was complaining that my bum was too big and that I was taking up far too much space. But really, she was the one crouching like an overgrown foetus that I was so near the edge of the bed and I could have just fallen onto Nana and have her crushed. Oh well. Today, I decided to turn off my engine and take a break. It has been far too intense and I need some time away from everything. Anyways, my home's now in shades of green. It's nice but I would have loved the gold shimmer because then, our home would have looked more lovely. What to do, it has already been done.

    I hate the fact that I feel that there is a constraint as to what I can say here. I have to tailor what I have to say to ensure that it doesn't get too offensive. And I detest having to accommodate to the sensitivity of others. I do not like the fact that I have to be tactful.

    Sometimes I wish I could pluck enough courage to go up to him and profess the abhorrence I have towards him, and tell him how much he makes me sick to the core of my soul, so much so that I could possibly puke my guts out. But alas, I am a coward.

    Kwinella @ 7:46 PM!

    Monday, October 10, 2005

    Fickle-mindedness. Amidst the buzz of the approaching graduation night, which in my opinion is simply overrated, I still have not decided what to put on. Yes, the triviality. I am worried because I am usually the sort who would have found something by this juncture in time so that I would not have to worry about it at the very last minute. Despite having found something to wear (courtesy of my aunt), I am still not sure if that is what I want to wear that evening. Such is the case because, as I have told a certain girlfriend of mine, it would be like repeating an outfit. Very unglam, yes? I have decided that I will return my aunt her top and then decide between my friend's outfit and my sister's baju kurung. Notice that I do not have the intention at the very least, to go out and purchase an outfit. A cheapskate, that I am. heh. Actually, I see no point in buying an outfit which I will wear only once. I chose my sister's baju kurung because most of my friends have already seen me in a particular baju kurung which I thought of wearing and my friend's baju... well let's just say she's my pinnacle of hope. heh.

    PE today was fun. I had a ball of a time playing floorball with Michelle and darling beruk's classmates. Mimosa is so cheeky and she likes to playcheat. But it's okay because she was the goalie for my team. heh.

    Our tutor didn't come in for lesson today and so it seemed like I only came to school for PE. Rina handed us the mock exam paper. I took it but continued doing econs. I wrote and wrote till I got bored and eventually conked out. And being alone in class is no fun at all. It was so spooky, I tell you.


    Iftaar was rad. Comfort food, okay. Nasi ayam. After relinquishing from all the food on the table, I gulped down my green tea. It has been a long time and it was absolutely satisfying. As soon as I was done with maghrib, I got cracking on the management mock exam paper and managed to complete section A in 1 and half hours. I wrecked my brains over section B and ended up only completing one question which was not even completely done. Sigh. I felt lonely in school today because the bimbo partner and diva were not in school. I know the bimbo's sick but the diva, I think he was too consumed in his own divaness lah. haha. I am too mean for my own good.
    Ampun Harshad.

    okay bye.

    Kwinella @ 11:14 PM!

    Friday, October 07, 2005

    It was a good thing. I guess it was a good thing that I went for tonight's terawih. The initial plan was to join Al-Khair's congregation but my friend thought that it was going to be far too crowded so her, her family and I made our way to Firdaus whose female's mussolah is air-c0nditioned and I was right underneath the fan. I must say I was blessed. heh. But anyways, I think that the imam was remarkable. I was so touched by the way he recited the verses that there was a point when the tears couldn't stop coming. Insya' Allah, we'll be joining the congregation again, tomorrow.

    After the prayers, we made our way home. As I sat alone in the bus, I could not stop thinking about how famished I am and could not help but wonder if there was going to be any leftovers from iftaar. I don't think it's the fasting that's making me hungry. Even before Ramadhan started, all I did was gorge myself. Judging by the rate I am eating, it would not be so much of an amazement if my behind is going to get any bigger or my legs any heavier. Ohh by the way, I made it to geylang after school, with my sister whom I met at her school bus stop. We took 67 to and back. The journey to geylang seemed all right but the journey back somewhat took forever. We slept throughout the journey with jiwang malay songs crooning at the back of our heads. Anyways, I got my black tudung and decided to add grey to my collection. Being my kemaruk self, I wore it to terawih this evening. heh.

    Before I go, I'd like to wish my girlfriend and her boyfriend happy 27th(?) month-o-sary! May the both of you be happy together and quit bickering already. Sometimes, I can only scratch my head when I see things happen between the 2 of you.

    Okay bye.

    Kwinella @ 11:02 PM!

    Thursday, October 06, 2005

    Overwhelmed. That was exactly how I felt upon receiving the prelim econs package from other jcs. I am telling you, it's the complete set; paper 1, 2 and 3, of all the jcs in Singapore excluding Innova and Pioneer. Apparently, my teacher forgot to photocopy the set from pioneer. Okay fine, I admit that I was excited when I received those papers as it simply meant more exposure to difficult questions and more practice. I decided to start of JJ's paper 1, in class earlier today, and I just flipped. It's damn hard lah. Especially the first few questions. It is only JJ and I'm already wrecking my brain cells. I wonder what's VJ and RJ paper like.

    It's friday tomorrow and will finally be able to do terawih, Insya' Allah. I am planning to head down to geylang soon, not for the bazaar but probably just tanjong katong complex to get a black tudung. I have no black tudung. If some of you remember, I actually put a hole on my one and only black tudung sometime in June. Ohh, I broke my dad's big black bag when I was on my way home from lot 1's ntuc. It was really because I was so ganas. And so I've one bag less. I badly need a nice big bag even though school's coming to an end pretty soon. Don't you know, I like big bags and I cannot lie. heh. Anyways, I thought of ordering Mcdees breakfast for sahur because I was craving for hotcakes. But fickle me bought tin of quaker oats. Haven't had that in years. woooooooo.

    3 periods of econs tomorrow. How?

    Kwinella @ 11:31 PM!

    Wednesday, October 05, 2005

    Good old times. Well, I've decided to re-open a really, really old blog of mine because I figured that since some of the people whom I least expect, do not expect and do not want to read this blog might have already come to know about this blog, I need the ultimate personal space. If you're as voyeuristic as I am, you can always google me. Chances are, you may not be able to find me. heh heh. Umm I was just goofing around. But really, I think it's best to be kept a secret.

    We had GP mock exam today after break. It was a gruelling and intense full paper, in class, with the fans blasting above us. Upon completion, our beloved tutor informs us that we are to bring the paper next wednesday for review. This means that she's not going to mark it. I feel so cheated.

    Kwinella @ 4:06 PM!

    Tuesday, October 04, 2005

    Hunger pangs. It's disturbing now that the start of Ramadhan is nearing and my stomach has been growling non-stop today no matter what my food intake is like. God help me.

    Kwinella @ 10:13 PM!

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    I feel oh-so-blue. Like, what do you expect. It is a Monday and Mondays are supposed to be blue regardless of the colour that you have on your hair, clothes, undergarment etc etc. I have to admit that today wasn't exactly a perfect beginning to the week. We finally went through our management paper and I sank deeper into depression. It was horrible. But I am now more determined than ever to pull my way through. However, that does not change the fact that I am disgruntled over the compulsory consultations I have to attend everyday after school until 5.15. I can kiss goodbye to my condensed time table. If that is what it takes to get a B for management, then so be it. But 5.15pm when everybody else gets to head for home at 1.30 is a little too much, don't you think?

    My body's sore from pe this morning. I feel hungry and sleepy. I found it amazing that I had the strength to prepare essays to be assessed by econs teacher. May God bless her by the way. She's too nice a teacher and I'd feel damn guilty if I don't attain at least a C. Which is why I shall get back to econs right after I'm done with this entry. Well anyways, I have got to get my fat arse down to bras basah to get a hold onto econs tys. I am a complete buffoon when I travel alone (as of late), which is weird because I am usually very self-efficient and independent. That is why, I need someone to go with me to bras basah asap. I am hoping tomorrow so that I won't tire myself out on wednesday. Ohhh and I just realised that I have consultation only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and it's not everyday that I end at 5.15. Only Mondays and Thursdays. Heh. But it still sucks lah. So tomorrow anyone? 3.45pm??? heh. Perhaps I should not make an open invitation lest somebody turns up... uninvited. Yeayea I have a limited vocabulary. Fuck off.

    *A sudden trigger off of manic-depressive mode*

    I am hoping that people (perhaps only certain people. that would do) could see that there is still one constant left in this world of calamities and prejudice, and that is my sincerity because really, no one recognises that fact anymore. Bleh. Please do not bother to get all riled up in case you feel the pinch because I am not lashing out at anyone in particular. I just felt the need to whine. Pardon me while the lack of sense of self-worth settles in.

    Okay, Amanda has agreed to accompany me to get the book. yay. Finally, that woman is going out with me. The excitement does not mean that my lack of sense of self-worth has subsided. I shall get on with econs now. So, till the next pending entry.

    Ya Allah, berkatilah usahaku selama 3 tahun yang amat memenatkan dan mencabar, agar dapat aku kecapi kejayaan dan kawanku Jar Jar dapat membeli nota-nota aku yang bertimbun-timbun dan buku teks yang tebal seperti kulit babi. (okay, I don't really know how think a pig's skin is). Ameen.

    Kwinella @ 5:21 PM!

    Sunday, October 02, 2005

    Mas, this is all your fault. I am now hooked to katie melua's closest thing to crazy. I would play it over and over again from your blog and not get sick of it. There's nothing wrong with me but a friend once told me that sometimes the lyrics to a song depicts your emotions at the moment. So, yea. Well anyways, yesterday, someone came over to my place to send some foodstuff to my mum. I overheard them talking about warfarin which my mum depends on, for life. He asked that I look up the uses for warfarin for he had reservations about that drug. According to him, he read somewhere that it's a chemical used in rodenticide. It sort of irked me but I relented somehow. But I decided to ask my mum for the specific name of the drug which is prescribed to her by her doctors and it turns out to be warfarin sodium. When I found the results, I was glad to know that it was a sort of anticoagulant to decrease clotting ability of the blood. My mum has been on it eversince she had had her valve replacement. Imagine the horror if I were to find out that it is really used in rodenticides. After 4 years, you come up to us and reveal a negative possibilty. Thanks yah. I could just flip if I wanted to.

    Oh well. So I wrote him a love letter. Well, sort of. But I have a tinge of regret because I've come to realise that it would never be possible for any form of reconcilliation. Here I am worried about him and he's somewhere else worried about someone. So, tell me why should I bother. But really, men in uniform are impossible to resist. Okay, stop it.

    Can hardly wait for school tomorrow. yippie.

    Kwinella @ 9:45 PM!

    Saturday, October 01, 2005

    Happy Children's Day. And happy 19th to my beloved girlfriend who simply cannot get away with her silly and ridiculous mispronounciations, whom I simply adore and love to pig out with. We had a ball of time yesterday after school, her, her boyfriend and I. Yes, it was just too bad that I had to be a lamp post since I was without a date. Truth be told, I had no idea what to get her for her birthday present and so I bought I very lovely brownie which was eventually consumed by all 3 of us. So I darling, even though the brownie you ate had probably gone down the sewer treatment pipes, I hope you savoured every bite you took and will remember it as your most chocolatey birthday ever. I wish you all the best in life, love, studies and everything. May you be showered with all the good things in life, Insya' Allah.

    So anyway, I've finally found myself something to wear for graduation. This means no hassle on the eve of graduation to go look for something to wear. I decided not to buy anything since I am only going to wear it once so, I dropped by my Aunt's place yesterday (which is a walking distance from my block) to check out what she has. She loaned me two tops, purple and white. Meanwhile, I shall spend the remaining 3 weeks or so deciding on which colour top to pick and at the same time, study for my exams. Honestly, I dread graduation. I haven't exactly got a great leaving cert and prelims results to be looking forward to. But for memory sake, I guess I'll just go through the motion.

    The purple's very sweet and the white's so pure but the white top is so damn panas. Okay, stop it already. I have econs essays and a loveletter to write. I, it's exciting, isn't it?? I have finally found something to wear! So, when are you going to put an end to your search for the perfect dress? Bila mau game? hee hee. I'm such a mean girlfriend.

    Kwinella @ 5:38 PM!